And relax…with yoga poses!
As well as being incredibly energizing and inspiring a real zest for life, yoga can be the ultimate relaxation-inducing practice which is just what our busy Kaia girls need from time to time. This...
View ArticleAnd relax…with yoga!
As well as being incredibly energizing and inspiring a real zest for life, yoga can be the ultimate relaxation-inducing practice. This makes it a perfect complement to a more intense, cardio workout,...
View ArticleYoga breathing!
Breathing techniques are a crucial part of yoga practice to inspire and promote wellbeing and to control what is known as Prana, our body’s vital life energy. Controlling the breath and using it to...
View ArticleBreathing for yoga!
Breathing techniques are a crucial part of yoga practice to inspire and promote wellbeing and to control what is known as Prana, our body’s vital life energy. It is this holistic approach that appeals...
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